
WHAT's your product/servIce worth?

and what does your pricing say?

7 Smart Pricing Strategies

Price is probably the most important thing you tell potential customers about your product or service.

The decisions you make with your pricing strategies send important signals to your potential customers: 

  • About what to expect from your business,
  • What your product quality is like, or
  • What your service standards are


This will be true whether you think your market is price sensitive or not.  Customers in every market have inherent pricing bias – so  how you manage your prices matters a LOT!

There are a number of approaches and pricing strategies that can be used to make certain you:

  • Get the true value of your product/service
  • Maximise the average customer spend
  • Differentiate yourself from the competition
  • Attract more customers
  • Build customer loyalty
  • Make greater profits

In this e-book/guide I highlight 7 really smart pricing strategies that you can adopt to ensure you understand the options available and how to utilise them in your business.

There’s also an additional Pricing Strategy that is one of the most difficult (for most businesses) to implement successfully.  Beware…If you get it wrong it has more chance of killing your business than any other!

GETTING your pricing right is one of 10 quick wins you could implement today

I work with clients across multiple business sectors to implement a proven marketing and sales system that will bring in a consistent and predictable flow of new enquiries, leads and customers into your business.

Cracking the rhythmic acquisition of customers is the holy grail for many businesses and with the right system and support it is more achievable than you might think.  

If you’re interested in finding out how I can help you smash your business goals in the coming year then simply include your phone number in the above form and I’ll call you right back.